Earth and Water Arrival

Dedicated to Andrea.

~ Poem & Artwork by A. Void.

Artwork and words play on the earth & water elements.

Poem is based on an experience during the wintertime.

True story: 

I was standing between two Trees during the dead of winter.

It was around midnight, and Wind was fierce where I stood somewhat protected by my friends. 

I was looking at the small icebergs floating in the river when it happened.

The mass of ice seemed not to be moving. 

I paused, breath held in an infinite space of no-time called Now.

Fascinated, I stood in wonder…. and felt the earth under me move.

What trembled? 

I blinked, awakening as if from a trance. 

I glanced at another iceberg, and then back at the one that had gotten me so riveted. 

The iceberg was moving now, floating in the water as icebergs do when pushed by wind. 

In that space, I had been given a glimpse of the beyond. 

Kundalini had risen, water had come up to meet earth. And earth and water had melded into one.

Roots do grow in darkness, and color, one must remember, is a property of human eyes; for true seeing, or isness, is colorless. 

​Artwork dedicated to a trouper on the path of Truth.


Alpha and Omega Equal One