Inspiration & Guidance
on the path of
Spiritual Awakening

photo of a pendulum spinning with a purple glow around it against a dark background. text reads: "the pendulum of Awakening"

Welcome to A Mystic’s Vision


Let meditation and mindfulness be
like two wings of a bird on your journey to inner freedom.

A Mystic’s Vision offers a sacred space for seekers on the spiritual path. Here you’ll find information about our brand, our current spiritual services, useful meditation practices, and inspirational posts woven with poetic reflections to inspire conscious living.

The spiritual journey is often likened to the swing of a pendulum, marked by natural highs and lows. Yet, the “goal” is to find stillness at the center—to watch the play of duality without attachment. Each person's journey is unique, as it is often said that there are as many paths as there are minds. The "symptoms" of awakening can vary widely but often include mystical experiences and dreams, heightened sensitivity, psychic "powers," feeling out of alignment with society, and mental and emotional "detox."

Mystics, sages, and enlightened beings have said that awakening involves unlearning. It means seeing through the veil of societal conditioning, transcending the ego or false self, and cultivating awareness. Awareness is the master key that opens all doors, although these doors have always been open. Truth is an ever-present isness, beyond time, space, and concepts—even beyond the constructs of “person” and “human.”

Awakening to Higher Consciousness

The spiritual journey goes by many names: the quest for the inner “I,” the path of truth and liberation, and spiritual awakening, among others.


Since the transformative 1960s, humanity has been awakening to a higher consciousness. The rise of the information age has ignited an interest in exploring one’s unique path or "permutation:" to understand the human experience as a program of sorts and see one’s “place” within the tapestry of evolution. This understanding requires letting go of the addiction to thinking, transcending the psychological mind, and allowing one's true nature to be as it has always been: a pure witnessing.

With these profound insights, our founder Catherine Void-Wilson (or Cat Void for short) felt inspired to share her mystical wisdom with others. With over 15 years of dedicated meditation practice and two decades of experience in mental health, Catherine felt a deep calling to guide others on their spiritual journey. Her experiences span mystical encounters with trees, dreamless dreams, the mystery of "not knowing," embracing aloneness, personal stories of trauma and rejection, inner transformation, and unique meditation techniques revealed to her along the way.

Mission & Vision of A Mystic’s Vision: Awareness & Raising Consciousness

The vision and mission of A Mystic’s Vision are one and the same: a two-pronged arrow of one-pointedness. In other words, A Mystic’s Vision aims to raise consciousness while offering avenues of awareness. These avenues take on many forms, including:

There is only one problem: Mind.

There is only one solution: No-Mind.

Current Services: Guidance & Mentorship on Your Spiritual Journey

The current services being offered by A Mystic’s Vision include 1:1 personalized coaching, group coaching, and mystical dream analysis by our mystical coach Cat Void. Coaching serves to guide, mentor, educate and offer clarity to those on the spiritual path. Seekers can gain understanding about the spiritual awakening process, can gain insights and clarity into their own personal journey, and can learn from others on the spiritual path.

  • Educational Content: Sharing insights on spirituality through YouTube, podcasts, blogs, and social media to deepen awareness and inspire mindful living.

  • Meditation Practices: Cultivating awareness and inner harmony through both timeless and unique meditation techniques.

  • Coaching & Community: Providing 1:1 coaching for personal mentorship and group coaching for communal growth among fellow seekers.

  • Eco-Friendly Spiritual Designs: Creating designs that feature inspirational quotes and uplifting messages on sustainable, eco-friendly products to inspire and support conscious living.

How You Can be Helped with Spiritual Coaching


There are various challenges that are encountered on the spiritual journey. As each person’s spiritual path is unique, so too are the ways in which the lessons are told, in how they unfold, and in the journey to oneness through unlearning.

Ways You Can be Helped

icon of person meditating in lotus posture

Meditation & Mindfulness

Help with meditation techniques and maintaining presence throughout the day.

icon of two faces with a lightbulb in between to represent the left-right brains and the mind

The Monkey Mind: When Mind Attacks

When peace arises, and the mind sends you a text. Respond ASAP!

icon of person dreaming in bed

Mystical Dreams

Help for past life dreams, premonitions and messages from your higher self.

icon of and eye and crescent moon representing dark night of the soul

Detox & Dark Nights of the Soul

Help for when you feel you are going crazy. Or is it spiritual detox?

icon of people and hands shaking to represent societal relationships

Mindful Relationships

Help navigating relationships with family, friends, colleagues and society.

icon of balanced scales to represent balanced emotions

Heightened Sensitivity & Emotions

Help for spiritual sensitivity, emotions and feeling others too much.

icon of two people holding hands with a heart in between them

Conscious & Unconscious Intimacy

Help navigating intimate relationships whether your partner is meditating or not.

icon of crystal ball and stars representing psychic gifts

Superpowers & Psychic Gifts

Help for when strange abilities come along the spiritual ride.

icon of a happy and a sad mask

Pain Bodies & Personas

Help with witnessing egos and egoic strategies in self and others.

About Cat Void

Meet Your Mystic Coach

ex-mental health counselor

Begin exploring your relationship with food by trying any of my free recipes and meal plans. Healthy food should also be delicious.

Tree whisperer

If allergies, illness, or other aversions have complicated your relationship with food, a personalized plan might be right for you.

mystic wannabe

If allergies, illness, or other aversions have complicated your relationship with food, a personalized plan might be right for you.

Clarity & Guidance on Your Spiritual Journey

icon of online session for 30-min

30-minute Session

A coaching session suitable for sound boarding, quick insight and feedback into an issue, checking in, or staying on purpose.

heart with donation box for 15 minutes

15-min Intro Session By Donation

A mini session to ask questions and see if spiritual coaching is the right choice for you at this time.

icon of 2 mugs together with 45-min timer

45-minute Session

A supportive coaching session to more thoroughly discuss issues and get insight and clarity on your spiritual

icon of computer with people and 60-min timer

60-minute Group Coaching Session

Share and learn from others on the spiritual path.

60-minute Session Mystical Dreamwork

Get insights and messages from mystical dreams. Not for the faint of heart.

icon online session 60-min

60-minute Session

A comprehensive session to dive deep into issues, and get in-depth insights and feedback on your spiritual journey.

Pause. Find inspiration & meditation help with these mystical, insightful blogs. A Mystic’s Vision also offers inspiration and self-rememebring through two blogs which offer meditation and mindfulness techniques, artistic works with commentary for meditation.

Myst Inspiration

Wisdom tidbits, art & poetry
​ by A. Void
to let go of mind 
​& step into no-mind.

Meditation Techniques

Novel & tried-n-true
​meditation techniques
to get you delving into
"who am i?".

What is the inspirational quote by A. Void in the image of the footer of this website?

When bullets are like islands in the dark, awakening is upon you.

Food for meditation =>